Our Board


Our Board | CIC

Katrina Kennedy

Katrina Kennedy

Active Dorset Chair and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion lead

Katrina is excited to be joining the board and has worked in the NHS for 32 years. She qualified as a Physiotherapist and has worked in primary, secondary and private practice. She specialised in Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedics and worked with a premier Rugby Club and British Gymnastics.

She is currently an Associate Director of Allied Health Professionals at Hampshire Hospitals and is leading the health creation, behavioural change and physical activity promotion agendas in the organisation.

Katrina is married to Deryk and lives in Poole near Baiter where she enjoys running, kayaking and sailing. They have two adult children who are passionate about sailing, windsurfing and marine technology.

She is keen to use her leadership, strategic thinking and networking skills to support and challenge the impact of Active Dorset work streams.

Daniel Lock

Daniel Lock

Daniel is a Principal Academic in the Department of Sport and Event Management at Bournemouth University. In this role, he lectures on the consumption and marketing of sport and researches the influence of social identity dynamics and legitimacy on sport consumption and participation.

Although originally from Dorset, Daniel spent 12 years living; playing and coaching football; and working in Australia as an academic. During this time, he gained a varied experience of participation in semi-professional sport as well as other recreational forms of exercise. Through these experiences, Daniel has developed a strong interest in the processes, policies and practices that can be developed to enable people to become more physically active in daily life.

Rachel Partridge

Rachel Partridge

Rachel Partridge is Assistant Director of Public Health at Public Health Dorset and has been working in Dorset for the past 10 years. She leads on the areas of Health Protection, the Healthy places workstream of the Prevention at Scale programme across Dorset which includes a focus on increasing Physical activity. Rachel supports the work of the Health and Wellbeing boards in Bournemouth & Poole and Dorset to focus on promoting health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities. In this role, Rachel was also part of the team alongside Active Dorset which successfully bid to be part of the Sport England Active Ageing Programme.

Outside of the office, she is the mother of two young children, including a new starter this term. Rachel is a parent governor at her local first school and now feels much greater appreciation and better insight into the amazing hard work and dedication that goes into providing a wonderful learning and nurturing experience for children in this area.

Rachel is part of a "return to netball" group and has started running.

Lee Timothy

Lee Timothy

People, Welfare and Safety lead

Lee is driven to see more people feeling the benefits of regular physical activity.

He has experience as a PE Teacher, Coach and has contributed to various sport development projects, spanning the last 10 years in the UK and overseas. At present, Lee works for the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) to affect change at a systemic level. CIMSPA is the UK professional body for those who work in Sport and Physical Activity. With his experience in watersports tuition and programme delivery, Lee is also a member of the Training Committee at the Royal Yachting Association.

In his spare time, Lee can be found coaching youth sailing, doing watersports in Poole Harbour, cycling in the Purbecks or running around Upton Country Park.

Hannah Richards

Hannah Richards

Safeguarding lead

Hannah has worked within the education sector for 14 years. Her primary focus in the roles she has undertaken have been to tackle barriers and inequalities to participation in order to increase the activity of young people, along with strengthening the connections between sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing so more people can feel, both the mental and physical benefits of leading an active lifestyle. She is especially passionate about increasing the opportunities for women and girls to be involved in sport and physical activity.

Outside of work, Hannah relishes taking on a challenge and loves nothing more than being active in the outdoors, the majority of the time with her trusty sidekick, Rupert; paddleboarding, cycling, running or playing tennis.

Geoff Allen

Geoff Allen

Bio coming soon...

Debbie Hill

Debbie Hill

Debbie has been working in the fitness and sport industry for over 28 years, firstly as a fitness instructor and Health & Fitness manager and then in sports development. Debbie currently works for British Triathlon as a National Development Manager. She has run her own Tae Kwon do clubs in North Dorset and South Somerset since 1996. When she was younger Debbie competed as part of the British team, winning 3 x World championship titles.

Debbie's passion has always been to get people active and enjoying the benefits of exercise, and is keen to use the knowledge she has gained to be a useful contributor on the Board.

Sally Banister

Sally Banister

Sally has been working in the NHS for 33 years in a variety of business-oriented roles and in a variety of locations- Somerset, Wiltshire, Dorset, Hampshire and Surrey. She qualified with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy in 1996 and is currently the Programme Director for Clinical Acute Networks in Dorset.

Since coming to work in Dorset Sally has developed links with Active Dorset and worked with our Partnership in embedding physical activity in a variety of NHS projects and services. After a health scare around 8 years ago, Sally joined a gym and has been a very regular gym goer ever since. She feels passionate about helping people understand the positive health and social impact of activity.

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