Active Dorset Launches #Momentsformovement
Posted: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 11:12
'Our Dorset – A Movement for Movement' is the physical activity strategy for BCP and Dorset. It sets out why we need to make change, what we need to focus on, and how we can do it. Our aim is to support everyone to move a little more every day, in ways that work for them while tailoring that support towards those who can benefit most from moving more.
While not moving enough poses risks for all of us, both as individuals and as a society, becoming more active offers real opportunities. Regularly moving our bodies in whatever way works for us can significantly reduce the risk we face of developing a number of health conditions.
An important part of this is supporting people and communities to lead healthy, thriving lives in Dorset. Our new campaign #momentsformovement, meets local people, asking them about the benefits of moving more.
In our first edition, we met with Gay OConnor, a keen runner, who used her local parkrun to improve her overall wellbeing.