Active Dorset CIO offers seated yoga to older residents

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Active Dorset CIO offers seated yoga to older residents

Posted: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 16:26

Active Dorset CIO offers seated yoga to older residents

Active Dorset CIO celebrated International Day of older people by offering a day of movement based activities and a friendly community environment at Slades Park. Those over the age of 65 were able to receive a free hot drink before taking part in a group walk around the park or a free chair yoga class, thanks to Yoga with Elibeth.

Elibeth spoke to us about the event, and believes that there would be interest to make it a more regular event:

"I had the opportunity of offering two free chair yoga sessions, and they were a great success. The sessions gave many people the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones and try something new. It was fantastic to see such positive energy in the room! Holding two sessions allowed those who were unsure at first to observe the first group, which encouraged them to join in for the second session. Each class was 30min and had between 12-15 participants, all over 60 years old, with varying abilities, creating a truly inclusive and supportive environment. It was great to see so many older residents feeling the benefits of moving more, and I hope that we can offer these sessions again on a more regular basis.

With 41% of the BCP population over the age of 50, and predicted to rise by 10% by 2031, we must work together to build an age friendly community for all, where people can live longer in better health."

Tags: Active Ageing, News, We Are Undefeatable

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