2023/24 Autumn Term

Healthy Movers roll out in Dorset

The Healthy Movers programme, delivered by the Youth Sport Trust, rolled out at scale in Dorset is in the last stages of planning, before delivery commences October 2023 to be implemented over a two year period. This will see the Early Years practitioners who have registered their interest in the Healthy Movers programme trained up to deliver Healthy Movers in their settings. The programme also has a universal and targeted offer for the settings dependent upon what the settings would benefit from the most.

175 settings pan-Dorset have signed up to the programme which includes nurseries, preschools, schools, childminders, libraries, and family hubs. The project will also include a digital offer for participation. Laura Roberts (Early Years Physical Activity Officer) is newly in post, the post is funded by Public Health Dorset and hosted by Active Dorset, Laura is supporting with the local roll out of the project through coordination and delivery.

April 2024 | New cohort registration begins

Following the first successful cohort, registrations opened for a new cohort starting in May, June and July 2024.

Suitable for all registered early years and school settings in Dorset, the programme includes resources and training for practitioners who can then help families to continue the fun activities at home.

The story so far...

86 Settings involved in the Healthy Movers Physical Literacy project

10 Physical literacy training sessions held throughout October 2023 and November 2023

139 Healthy Mover Champions across the 86 settings

2 Family Hub training sessions delivered December 2023 to BCP Family Hubs.

24 Family Hub Navigators or Volunteers attended these sessions from BCP Family Hubs

2 Library Managers attended Healthy Movers training with the Family Hubs

8 Virtual networking sessions attended by 27 Healthy Mover Champions

4 Power Hour training sessions delivered at staff meetings to up skill practitioners who didn't attend the Healthy Mover training

28 Healthy Mover Champions have had virtual support

Autumn Term - 2023-2024

All settings who expressed an interest in the Healthy Movers programme completed the first part of the training.

The training days were active, well received and offered many ideas and suggestions from everyone to take back to provisions. Many have also attended virtual drop in network sessions and continue to share ideas and practice with other providers.

Regular virtual drop in slots were planned in for each month for any providers or practitioners that wanted a refresh or to ask questions as they used the activity cards in their daily routines. Some provisions were also given face to face power hours to explain the programme to other staff members, which proved popular.

Both participation and feedback from the first Autumn term has been fantastic, with some stand out figures:

✅ 999 children participating
✅ 550 families engaged
✅ 139 Healthy Movers champions trained across 86 settings

The next part of the programme is the Family Engagement training. This is an important stage of the project and enables practitioners to support all children and families to be Healthy Movers at home.

The program has offered us scheme to follow to build on physical development. The Children have all responded positively and have engaged daily over an increasing period of time. It has highlighted to staff areas of strength, and areas of development alongside the EYFS curriculum.

Healthy Mover Champion

I see progress every single day, we link Healthy Movers to all of our routines and transitions, the children now help each other, it is lovely seeing the children being so kind to each other.

Healthy Mover Champion

Being part of healthy movers' sessions in action helps to joins all the dots and see how the initial training has had a positive impact on the children. The sharing of best practice and networking amongst settings during the training days has been amazing. I can't wait for the phase to begin, as going to reception classes in schools is will help to ensure continuity and improved outcomes for early years children across Dorset.

Laura Robert (Early Years Physical Activity Officer)

Laura Roberts

Laura Roberts

CYP Early Years Physical Activity Officer

My role is to connect and collaborate with professionals and families to influence and support behaviour change for children within the early years, 0 – 5 years. To increase activity levels for the youngest of children to embed into part of a healthy lifestyle.

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