Active Lives Survey
When will schools receive their school report?
School reports will be sent out (by Ipsos MORI) direct to the school the term following completion of the survey, just before half term. Sport England will send out small school reports directly to schools, the term after completion of the survey.
What if our school has a technical issue that we cannot resolve?
School staff, parents and pupils can contact Ipsos MORI's free technical helpline by leaving a message detailing their query. Call 0800 014 9452 or email
If our school is listed in the reserve sample, can we take part in the Survey?
Yes. Reserve schools can ask Active Dorset if they can join the main sample. Active Dorset will make a request to Sport England, and inform the school of their response.
Do teachers and parents complete a survey too?
Yes. One teacher completes one survey for the school and parents/carers of Key Stage 1 children answer the 'attitudinal questions' about their child's participation in physical activity. No other parents/carers are required to answer the survey.
How do you take the survey, and how long does it take?
All surveys can be completed on a laptop, desktop computer, smartphone or tablet that has access to the internet. All surveys take 15-20 minutes to complete. Pupil surveys can be completed during the school day or at home, in one sitting only. If teachers are unable to complete the teacher survey in one sitting, their answers will be saved until the next time they log in.
What incentives are there for a school to complete the survey?
All sampled schools are eligible for two types of incentive. These are:
- A confidential, bespoke school report which may include a Healthy Schools Rating Award (HSRA) from the Department of Education.
- Credits worth £100+ to exchange for activity/sports equipment.
Schools that 'opt-in' to the survey are only eligible for the bespoke school report and HSRA.
How do we select which class in a year group completes the survey?
Sport England recommends that all classes in a selected year group should be listed in alphabetical order based on teacher surname / class name / equivalent. The first class in this list is the class who should complete the survey in 2023-24.
Can a school sample more than the classes selected for the survey?
Yes. Schools can invite year groups, key stages or the whole school to participate. Schools simply need to inform Active Dorset, who will ask Sport England to provide additional URLs for the school.
How many classes need to complete the Survey?
Children from up to three classes are invited to take part in the survey.
Is there a deadline for schools to claim their equipment incentives by?
Yes, schools will need to return their order form for their chosen item(s) to ESPO by:
- Summer term 2023 schools: 27th October 2023
- Autumn term 2023 schools: 16th February 2024
- Spring term 2024 schools: 31st May 2024
- Summer term 2024 schools: 25th October 2024