Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Active Dorset is a community interest company, we work collaboratively to create the conditions for an active nation and use the power of sport and physical activity to transform lives.
We want Dorset to be a place where everyone recognises that moving more can support their physical and mental wellbeing and has access to the right opportunity for them to build activity into their daily life.
Active Dorset is committed to a systemic approach to championing equality diversity and inclusion and tackling inequalities across our county. We want to embed inclusion principles into the way we work, the culture of our team and organisation, and into how we work with our partners.
Our Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) sets out our broader commitment to diversity and inclusion, as well as our commitment to developing an inclusive and representative board, ensuring that equality and diversity is considered in every decision we take together.
The Active Dorset Diversity Dynamo steering group was first formed in 2021 and meet on a monthly basis.
The group is made up of members across the Active Dorset team and includes the Deputy CEO and a board representative. The group uses their own varied experiences, skills and knowledge to lead on the equality, diversity and inclusion work at Active Dorset.
The Diversity Dynamos has recently been working to develop the Active Dorset Diversity and Inclusion Action plan (DIAP) and now has a role in implementing the set of actions and deliver on the commitments we have set out. We will report on our progress to the Active Dorset board and to our stakeholders on a quarterly basis.
The Dynamos provide regular updates to the Active Dorset team, recognising that we all have a responsibility to embed EDI principles into the way we work and how we work with others.
Our Diversity Inclusion Action Plan
Active Dorset Diversity Inclusion Action Plan is designed to support our organisation and all our stakeholders to work together towards a set of actions. To ensure Active Dorset delivers on it's ambitious commitments set out in the DIAP there is a clear framework whereby progress will be monitored, reviewed and reported.
Active Dorset is committed to ensuring that equality diversity and inclusion is embedded in our strategic ambitions. We have a clear strategy and business plan setting out our priority areas and key objectives between 2020 and 2025.
Our approach to achieving these objectives and priorities is through the 4 guiding principles set out below.
Diversity Inclusion Action Plan (PDF, 910 Kb)
Case Studies
Disability Healthchecks (PDF, 286 Kb)
See how we are working to improve the quality of health action plans in Dorset.
Health Literacy (PDF, 4.8 Mb)
See how we are working to become a health literate organisation.
Links and Resources
James Ballard
Deputy Safeguarding lead
Active Dorset
- Mobile
- 07395357193
- jballard@activedorset.org