Active Pregnancy and Active Parents

Active Pregnancy

Pregnant woman doing yoga illustration

Being active during pregnancy has many benefits for your physical and mental wellbeing. These include improving your sleep, improving your mood, helping to prevent diabetes of pregnancy and high blood pressure problems, and helping to support healthy weight gain. Staying active throughout your pregnancy will also give you the best chance of a good recovery, whatever happens during your labour.

If you're new to activity, start gradually and build up your activity levels over time, eventually aiming for 150 minutes of physical activity at a moderate intensity, spread throughout the week. You don't need to do it in big chunks - every active minute counts! Activities can include walking, exercise classes, taking the stairs, swimming, gardening and housework or any activity that makes you breathe faster whilst still being able to hold a conversation.

Resources to help you stay safe and healthy during your pregnancy

Sport England Lottery Funded Logo
Active Partnerships Logo
Active Dorset Partner Badge
Cyber essentials